For Job Seekers, For Professionals, For Students

Interview Hack: Don’t Be Insecure

Interviewing sucks. The interviewers and screening methods aren't always objective. You have less than one hour to impress a stranger while being judged by them. There is only so much you can do as a candidate during the interview process. Good news is that if you got a call scheduled, you've passed the first test. You've… Continue reading Interview Hack: Don’t Be Insecure

For Employers, For Professionals, For Recruiters

Build Your Dream Team In Style

To me, building a team is a lot like curating a wardrobe. Talent acquisition is an art that requires practicality, sensibility and creativity, the same skills that make or break your own style. Here are the steps in building a dream team using good fashion sense. Know what you need versus what you want When… Continue reading Build Your Dream Team In Style

For Employers, For Professionals, For Recruiters

Things Software Engineers Say to Recruiters on LinkedIn

I am one of a few recruiters who actually read through LinkedIn profiles when I source candidates. I keep a collection of what engineers say to recruiters for my own entertainment. Again, this post is meant for people who appreciate the humor and irony; think a Buzzfeed article. No haters here, please. “Recruiters: Happy to… Continue reading Things Software Engineers Say to Recruiters on LinkedIn

For Employers, For Job Seekers, For Professionals, For Recruiters, For Students

When Recruiters Go Bad

Yes, I’m a recruiter and I’m going to talk about those recruiters who give us a bad rap. Why? Because I love recruiting and it hurts me to continue seeing those who ruin the experience for all. Being a recruiter is fun because we have the power to make someone’s dream come true (or at least… Continue reading When Recruiters Go Bad

For Employers, For Job Seekers, For Professionals, For Recruiters, For Students

Unplug and Make Your Career Resolutions

It is amazing how we have grown so reliant on technology and how we consult an app before completing a simple task. We live in an era where distraction is allowed and even encouraged. How about giving yourself a break from all the distractions? As you pause and reflect on the achievements and learnings in… Continue reading Unplug and Make Your Career Resolutions

For Employers, For Job Seekers, For Professionals, For Recruiters, For Students

Modern Wage Slavery: Unpaid Internships

Unpaid internship is sadly an accepted form of employment in the US. Younger generations are paying a lot more for career preparation than ever before. "U.S. companies have been cutting money for training programs for decades, expecting schools and workers to pick up the slack." College students have to pay for school, training, and internships.… Continue reading Modern Wage Slavery: Unpaid Internships

For Job Seekers, For Professionals, For Students

What You Didn’t Know About Your Resume

It is unfair that employers judge your knowledge, skills and ability on a piece of paper. On the other hand, it is scary for employers to hire someone based on the information on a piece of paper. Would you pay $100,000 for a piece of paper? No. So if you're shooting for an annual salary of $100,000,… Continue reading What You Didn’t Know About Your Resume

For Job Seekers, For Professionals, For Students

To LinkedIn or Not?

LinkedIn is one of those things that you either want to do it right or not at all. The benefits of having an All-Star LinkedIn profile: You can be easily contacted by your network (and beyond) for any of the following: career opportunities job inquiries expertise requests reference requests getting back in touch consulting offers business… Continue reading To LinkedIn or Not?