For Job Seekers, For Students

Sing Your Way To A New Job

As a recruiter, I've read thousands of resumes, interviewed hundreds of candidates, and witnessed a few common job search mistakes. What could possibly be better to ring in the new year than singing along with me and learn how to increase your chance in upgrading your career in 2017? ♥ Call Me Maybe ♥ Hey, I just read… Continue reading Sing Your Way To A New Job

For Job Seekers, For Professionals, For Students

To LinkedIn or Not?

LinkedIn is one of those things that you either want to do it right or not at all. The benefits of having an All-Star LinkedIn profile: You can be easily contacted by your network (and beyond) for any of the following: career opportunities job inquiries expertise requests reference requests getting back in touch consulting offers business… Continue reading To LinkedIn or Not?

For Job Seekers, For Students

The Holy Trinity of Resume Writing

Most employers still expect you to submit your resume even though they are accepting online profiles as official applications. So what exactly do employers look for in a resume? The Holy Trinity. These are the three key elements to demonstrate your qualifications for the position on a piece of paper.  Sounds daunting but it's not… Continue reading The Holy Trinity of Resume Writing