For Employers

Why Paying Above The Minimum Wage?

A sad story about a woman who died from sleeping in her car while waiting for her next shift at a Dunkin' Donuts. Carelessness aside, her struggle to make a living wage was real. Because many store owners don't want to pay full-time benefits, many employees in the service sector have to work short shifts… Continue reading Why Paying Above The Minimum Wage?

For Employers, For Job Seekers, For Professionals, For Recruiters, For Students

Modern Wage Slavery: Unpaid Internships

Unpaid internship is sadly an accepted form of employment in the US. Younger generations are paying a lot more for career preparation than ever before. "U.S. companies have been cutting money for training programs for decades, expecting schools and workers to pick up the slack." College students have to pay for school, training, and internships.… Continue reading Modern Wage Slavery: Unpaid Internships